| ADX250

We are thrilled to present the ADX 250 engine - the latest twin-cylinder marvel from Airdynamix. This engine is designed to offer the same unbeatable amalgamation of power, reliability, and lightweight design as its larger counterpart, the ADX 500. With a design concept and construction identical to the ADX 500, the ADX 250 encapsulates all the same features into a more compact, twin-cylinder package. This makes it an ideal choice for UAV producers who require a smaller and more compact engine for their projects.

The ADX 250 boasts a super low vibration level, an easy-to-cool design, and a secured crankshaft, delivering unparalleled reliability and durability. Coupled with an impressive power-to-weight-to-price ratio, the ADX 250 stands out in its class. Furthermore, akin to its larger sibling, the ADX 250 is highly modular and easily custom-modified, allowing you to add or modify additional sensor positions, customize the cylinder heads, and choose from three different generator types installed either in the front or on the backside of the engine.

For those who prioritize safety and reliability above all else, a DUAL SPARK PLUG version of the ADX 250 is also available.

If you're in pursuit of a powerful, lightweight, and reliable engine for your UAV project, look no further than the new generation of CNC crankcase quad boxer engines from Airdynamix, including the ADX 250 and its larger counterpart, the ADX 500. Upgrade today and experience a level of performance that is truly unparalleled in the industry.

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